My name is Liboum Mbonayem. I’m a Forest Engineer, holding a Master Research II in Environmental Management from the University of Dschang, a Master Professional II in Monitoring and Evaluation of Programs and Projects from the OTC of Burkina – Faso, and a one-year certificate program of the Environmental Leadership Training Initiative (ELTI) School of the University of Yale. I have 18 years of experience in the wide domains of the management of forests and protected areas, monitoring and evaluation of landscape, socio-environmental aspects, geographical information systems, remote sensing, forest restoration, and land use. I’m working at Rainforest – Alliance as #Senior Program Officer – LandScale for Africa, an international organization that focuses on improving the livelihood of smallholders of some commodities (cocoa, coffee, rubber …), helping them acquire competencies to manage their community forests sustainably and monitoring their landscapes sustainably by using many tools developed by Rainforest.

I started my engagement in F7 with the creation of the association. I’m the censor of F7, and I ensure that all the regulations of our association are respected. I’m sure that with the actual strategic work plan that we updated during our previous meetings, we’ll be able to contribute at our level to improve the solidarity between our members, the education of our Benjamin in FASA School and give our attention to those people in our country who need more help to smile a bit.

My vision for F7 is that we should continuously grow as a family with one heart, share our experience with those who need helps, and so contribute at our level to the elevation of our nation.

God bless F7/Solidarity – Works -Development.